[getting off the train in Panskura]

There are tourism places; like in Bihar, where there are many tourists – that is their biggest income source; in West Bengal, agriculture is the most important source of income. If you go to Hooghly district, there are many many vegetables; potatoes, many potatoes, jute. In Bardhaman district, there is a lot of paddy; in Maldah there are a lot of mango orchards – they sell their mangos outside of the state also, the Maldah mangoes, they are so tasty. There are grapes in Nagpur – [someone else: Nasik] yes, Nasik. Every state has its own products…

How do you know these things?

Since this is my country, I have to have some idea of it; if you are a citizen of India, you will know what is good in which place; even if little, one will know. Like, the madhuri [bamboo mattresses] of Mednipur: actually, madhuri are made solely in Moyna, which is in Mednipur; it is known as madhuri of Mednipur, in the books it is written madhuri of Mednipur. In Moyna, such beautiful madhuri are made! …the entire supply of madhuri is from there only. You will not find such in all of India.

Where does the maximum flower cultivation happen – here?

It’s here, then Ranaghat, Bhangur in 24 Parganas. There’s a lot of flower cultivation through Ranaghat. There’s the cherry gold, then the night flower rajni – you see, the double stemmed ones grow in Ranaghat but not in Mednipur, where the single stemmed variety grows. But in terms of longevity, Mednipur flowers are the most lasting. The flowers from 24 Parganas last for less time; the earth is defected there: their flower production is higher but the longevity of the flowers is lower. Hence, there is higher demand for Mednipur flowers. Longevity depends on the earth and on the weather. For any flower, the temperature is more suitable in Mednipur. Whether you talk about the rose or whichever flower, the highest productivity is here.