There was a big crowd at the DumDum station. They were distributing food packets among us, with a banana, a biscuit, and tea. We were there because they were giving us a card, those who are in charge of the area, those who are the members there – they were giving us the card. They asked us all to come back between 4 and 5pm and we would be handed over our cards at 7pm. We will all get the cards today. They collected our photos earlier, we went for photos, they took our address, where we live, what village, they told us all the information we had to give them. Then we went and submitted the information. Think, there are identity cards, it is like that, like the identity card. This is my proof, meaning it says that I work here, that I work and earn my living there, and I have been here for these many days. Nobody can uproot me from here, nobody can say anything to me. If it is seen that I am working then I may not be able to live in peace. In case I cannot walk, if it occurs that my son has brought some vegetables and is trying to sell them – this is why we are provided the cards as proof. I have another one at home, where I used to sit earlier, from there I had got one. they had given me one. I can’t find it now.

That day, when we had come with you and it was raining, had you come back or stayed?

I stayed there, on 3 number platform. My work was okay, some of the vegetables could not be sold, so I had kept them tied on the site and I sold them the next day. The next day I did not carry any more vegetables from home. I went there and sold those vegetables that were left over. [To her son] Have you called her?

What’s happening?

This lady’s mother-in-law sells with me in DumDum. She married her daughter in Gobardanga and went to her son-in-law’s house, it has been five days, now she doesn’t know about the card being given to us. So I told this woman to tell her mother-in-law to reach DumDum by 4pm. Today no vegetables can be sold there, there is too big a crowd there. There are many chairs and benches there today. Today just people will be sitting there, there will be talks, meetings, discussions, people will talk. There are both parties there – who knows what will happen next year during elections. Today there is a school vote and just because of that there has been fighting and thrashing…