Elisa T. Bertuzzo

Elisa T. Bertuzzo, Boris Murnig, Hans Hortig

Photos and texts (other than interviews):
Elisa T. Bertuzzo

Hans Hortig, Elisa T. Bertuzzo

Illustrations and diagrammes:
DeltaCircle / Boris Murnig & Hans Hortig

Website design and development:
Martin Wecke

The Soundscapes on the Movement site were mixed by Mirin Dao.

Special thanks for their support during fieldwork, as well as for translating the Bengali conversations, to Md. Ashiquzzaman, Piya Srinivasan, Afia Alam and Saswati Saha.

This homepage gathers evidences gathered during the research project Circular migration and habitat: The city-country relation in an era of global urbanisation, carried out by Elisa T. Bertuzzo with funds of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG / German Research Foundation) at the habitat unit, Technische Universität Berlin. DFG also supported the publication of the homepage.

Logo DFG

Downloading and printing of texts, pictures and graphic elements for non commercial purposes in consultation with the team.

This homepage is dedicated to Aijer, Badol, Dulal, Durga, Enamul, Kartik, Milon, Milton, Shahabuddin, late Shayed and Soyjuddin, who agreed to let us participate in their lives and share their stories.